Earth Day Comes To Kalispell (it’s Wicked)-Whitefish MT Caved into ‘United Nations’
"Come celebrate Earth Day this Saturday, April 22, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the Northwest Montana History Museum in Kalispell. There will be...
Publishers Update: Kalispell MT Massive Influx of Homeless Latinos Arrive-(Then Line Up At Flathead...
A Flathead County resident who works near the Flathead Warming Center shared the following with Montana 1st News today,
"So on Monday, not only did...
Kalispell Resident Interviews Homeless Woman “They Need to Make a Homeless Shelter That’s Open...
What you are about to watch contains graphic language and is very telling. Here we get a glimpse into the life of a homeless...
Kalispell: VOTE NO on School Levies, and YES VOTES for-Pandina and Schultz!
It's time for a change.
We need true, conscientious, conservative voices on our local school boards! Enough is enough. We also do NOT need...
WHISTLEBLOWER! Kalispell’s SD5 Superintendent Micah Hill Exposed!
It is looking like a high possibility that Missoula County Public Schools may hire Micah Hill (Superintendent of Kalispell SD5) for the position of...
Kalispell: The Warming Center “Guests” Defecate (Poop) Behind Copper Mtn Coffee and More
Enough is enough.
Three times in one week homeless folks who spend nights at Kalispell's "Warming Center" have defecated (pooped) behind the shed in...
Frightened Resident Shares Flathead Homeless Trauma-Solution? “Ship them to LA Problem Solved”
Although this traumatic encounter occurred last January now seems the perfect time to share this story. With all the nonsense going on around the...
Unhoused “Guest” (Sentenced Child Sex Offender) is Flathead Warming Center’s Featured Advocate
Recently, "The Guardian" wrote an article about the Flathead Warming Center located in Kalispell, Mt. Many portions were debatable however one interesting fact was...
Flathead County Homeless Delusion: “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet”
The following Op-Ed was submitted to Montana 1st News by an extremely concerned Flathead County resident (one who has lived in much larger...
Confessions of a ‘Many Glacier Hotel Maid’ (The Year Was 1982)
In 1982 I landed a summer job at Many Glacier Hotel in Glacier National Park, high up on the park's eastern side. I was...