‘Flathead Warming Center’ (Kalispell) Urges Everyone “Do Not Stay in Your Car”

During these brutal winter weeks The Warming Center is urging everyone to come in from outside and whatever you do don't stay in your...

NW MT Bipolar Weather: Will My Pear Tree Survive the Next Cold Snap? (The...

It's been one crazy winter/spring/winter/spring/winter here in Northwest Montana. (Well anyway you get the idea.) We were concerned our pear tree wouldn't produce fruit...

Kalispell Kidsports Complex: Man Commits Indecent Exposure (We are Now San Francisco)

Life in the Flathead Valley has taken a huge turn for the worst and especially in the last year. It seems the crime in...

Bigfork MT! Angry Man Unleashes Bear Spray Into Bakery Window at Owners and Daughter

Evidently, people think they can park wherever they want without a thought or permission. The post below speaks for itself. Please keep a look...

Publishers Update: Kalispell MT Massive Influx of Homeless Latinos Arrive-(Then Line Up At Flathead...

A Flathead County resident who works near the Flathead Warming Center shared the following with Montana 1st News today, "So on Monday, not only did...

SaveFlatheadLake.com (Document Your Damages!) UPDATED Meeting Times Announced

Friends, the following meetings are vitally important as you will get a chance to voice your concerns and learn how to document your damages...