Kalispell City Council Meeting RE: Kalispell Warming Center-Round 2 (Video Included)


There will be a subsequent Kalispell City Council meeting (Work Session followed by public comment) on Tuesday, May 28th following the intense 4 hour plus meeting which took place on May 13th which dealt with the Flathead Warming Center and the ‘Conditional Use Permit’ in relation to the Center.

May 28th’s upcoming meeting at 7 pm on Tuesday evening will inhabit yet another work session and will then be followed up with a time of public speaking. The Flathead Warming Center will once again be the topic of the evening. If you care to speak and particularly if you, your neighbor, or your family have been negatively impacted by the Flathead Warming Center please come and verbally share and consider writing to the Council as well via email publiccomment@kalispell.com. to share your concerns in this matter. The address of City Hall is 201 1st Ave E, Kalispell.

Furthermore, if you patronize businesses such as The Vision Clinic, Albertsons, Dog Gone Clean Salon, etc. some of which are on Meridian Rd, and if you now aren’t comfortable going into these establishments for fear of the homeless in that area and crime then by all means come and speak your mind. Also if you have a PO Box on that side of town (wherein the Post Office has been forced to close down early each evening due to the homeless who once invaded it) please come and share those concerns.

You can watch last week’s Kalispell City Council meeting (City Council Work Session, Monday, May,13) which was followed by public comment by clicking here.

We urge everyone to come to the upcoming meeting as the Flathead Warming Center has been the height of concern in our community.

You can learn more about how the Flathead Warming Center has impacted our community by clicking here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Please come to the meeting on May 28th at City Hall!

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