Op-Ed: Is Skiing on “Big Mountain” Really that Great?
Having spent a minimum of 500 days skiing on "The Big Mountain" I can assure you it's NOT always that "great."
Let me back...
BREAKING! Glacier Manor Kalispell! Stand Off Active Shooter!
An active shooter is inside Glacier Manor Apartments in Kalispell Montana has been since 5 am and shots are STILL being heard.
A resident...
MSSA President Declares: Vote James Brown! “Montana Supreme Court Justice Most Important Race”
The following article was submitted by Gary Marbut President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association.
Dear MSSA Friends,
"Important race. I believe that the most...
Deception -“Voting NO” on LR-131 is “NOT Compassionate” (Vote Yes!)
Many folks seem to be highly confused about the current referendum on the Voter Ballot known as LR-131.
However, do not be deceived....
Opinion Editorial: Repke’s “11th Hour Attacks” on Bukacek “Sign of Desperation”
The following Opinion Editorial was submitted to Montana1stNews by Chris Weil of Flathead County.
I am writing again in support of Ann Bukacek for District...
ATTENTION! Attorney General Austin Knudsen: Upcoming Diesel Shortage “Frankly it’s Terrifying”
Attorney General Austin Knudsen states that the upcoming diesel shortage is "Terrifying." Montana could be hit very hard folks. Be sure you're stocked...
Temperatures Will Drop on Voter Tuesday-(Vote in Person at the Polls Anyway)
Montana has undoubtedly experienced its share of craziness the past few days with snow, high winds, and power outages. And next week, a cold...
Whistleblower! Cascade County Employee Reveals “Questionable Practices” Under Rina Fontana-Moore’s Direction
A letter written in March of 2022 (by a Cascade County employee and intended to be read by a particular "organization") was recently submitted...
Opinion-Editorials: Sandra Merchant- “Respectful, Professional, Qualified, Transparent”
The following Opinion-Editorials were submitted by various citizens of Cascade County. When you read each of these letters you will see a thread running...
Planned Parenthood ‘Calling’: “Ingrid Gustafson Supports Medical Freedom for Abortions for all Montanans”
Planned Parenthood of Montana has been insanely busy lately as they "ring the hooks off the phones" of Montanans.
One man, in particular, relayed...