Special Ravalli County Commissioners Meeting Exposes Election Problems/Issues

On Monday, June 5th you will want to be in Ravalli County and at the Fairgrounds from 7 to 10 pm. (See the flier...

Montana: The Issue Isn’t COS or Taxes or Election Fraud- It’s Abortion (Which is...

Dear Fellow Montanans, Hear me out. And yes the title is correct. Now you may be asking why would I write what I did?...

VOTE YES: LR 131 “Born Alive Infant Protection Act”

The following "Letter to the Editor" was submitted by Representative Matt Regier House District 4. LR 131 “Born Alive Infant Protection Act” "During a legislative session,...

West Kalispell: Bald Eagles Feasting (Yeah I Was Excited)

As my best buddy and I were driving through West Kalispell (just past West Valley the other day) she paused for a moment and...

CALL TO ACTION! Meet the Missionaries (Persecuted in Montana!)-Thursday Meeting in Kalispell

The time has come for action! Come and meet the persecuted missionaries who were assaulted and arrested (unlawfully in Madison County, Montana last November...

Libby MT: Help for Veterans is On the Way!

The following event will occur this Saturday and Sunday in Libby, Montana. For 22 years, the residents of Libby have been honoring and assisting Montana...

John Dutton’s “Yellowstone” It’s Here It’s There It’s EVERYWHERE! (Even at Rosauers!)

It's starting to get downright ridiculous. Everywhere we turn it's "Yellowstone this and Yellowstone that." Well, I for one have only watched one episode...

Bridger MT: Train Cars Derail with Gasoline-Town Evacuates

BRIDGER, Mont. (AP) — "An evacuation warning is in place for residents near the small town of Bridger in south-central Montana after a train derailed and...

5th District Court Judge Luke Berger Unveils Double-Standard Concerning Self-Defense in Madison County

On August 28th, 5th District Court Judge Luke Berger sentenced Michael Waitt and Portia Daem to two years of probation for breaking and entering...

LeBron James’ Son “Bronny” Experiences Cardiac Arrest on the Court

The story doesn't come out and say how this happened but we certainly know that due to the Covid shot a slew of athletes...