Bridger MT: Train Cars Derail with Gasoline-Town Evacuates

BRIDGER, Mont. (AP) — "An evacuation warning is in place for residents near the small town of Bridger in south-central Montana after a train derailed and...

Super “Blue Moon” Over Soldotna, Alaska

Last night was the Super Blue Moon and an avid reader of Montana 1st News from Soldotna, Alaska, submitted the following pictures. It was...

WELCOME to Montana1stNews!

Welcome to Montana1stNews! My staff and I are beyond thrilled to introduce you to our top-level online news source! Montana1stNews has been in the works for...

SHOCKING: Kalispell’s Water Systems Contaminated with Dangerous Cancer Causing Agents

In a shocking and detailed report it's been revealed that portions of Kalispell's wells/water systems which provide water for up to 26,000 people are...

Homeless Man Claimed Billings MT Offered to Pay His Way to Sanctuary City (He...

The comments are quite interesting concerning this particular situation. One person remarked, "Montana is smart." Yes, we are or at least Billings, Mt was...

Great Falls MT: The Miraculous Movement of Birds (video within)

As of late, there has been spectacular movement overhead by birds in the Great Falls area. You will be in awe and mesmerized as...


End the Income Tax. End Property Tax. End the IRS. Details within hurry and show up NOW!

Earth Day Comes To Kalispell (it’s Wicked)-Whitefish MT Caved into ‘United Nations’

"Come celebrate Earth Day this Saturday, April 22, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the Northwest Montana History Museum in Kalispell. There will be...

Breaking! Helena “Capitol Message Center Workers” Tell Public HR1 (House Rules) Was Rescinded!

A very concerned Montana citizen contacted Montana 1st News with the following information which they unraveled by calling the "Capital Message Center" as well...

Current Montana State Law Allows Pornography for Students (Minors): Via Schools/Libraries/Museums

If you read the black highlighted text below you can see clearly where students (minors) are allowed to view perverse content of sexually explicit...