Opinion Editorial Great Falls: “We (The Taxpayers) Are Paying For The Library Levy Election!”

When you read the following piece submitted by Jeni Dodd of Great Falls you will clearly understand that it is the taxpayers (and not...

Sheehy and the SOS Delay (Will Zinke and Sheehy Swap Places at the Last...

To the best of our knowledge Tim Sheehy (the supposed Almighty MT Senate Sweetheart Candidate) has not yet signed up to run for the...

Restore Liberty’s Darin Gaub-“America is Different in 2075”

The following Opinion Editorial was submitted to Montana 1st News for publication by retired Lt. Colonel Darin Gaub of "Restore Liberty." America – 2075 There was...

Op-Ed: Military Family of 80 Years -“The Tradition Ends Now”

The following Op-Ed was written by Lt. Col. Darin Gaub and first appeared in "American Thinker" October 7, 2022 The Army of the Woke By Lt. Col. Darin...

MAGA/Others Want Government to Establish Christianity as the National Religion (Unconstitutional)

A Flathead County resident submitted the following to Montana 1st News on the topic of the Constitution as a way to establish Christianity as...

Persecuted Montana Missionaries Harassed by Online “Trolls”

The following article was written by Jesse Boyd lead persecuted missionary who was wrongfully assaulted and arrested on November 12th, 2022 in Madison, County...

Provide Funding For School Police Instead of Ukraine and Foreign Nations

Paul Johns, Sports Reporter, for the 'The Anaconda Leader' wrote a thought-provoking article and submitted it to Montana 1st News to be published....

Helena’s Bad Bills: 68th Session-Why is it So Hard This Time?

The best conclusion I can come up with is that it's a spiritual battle and after all the victories in the 2021 67th Legislative...

A ‘Bud Light’ Sales Slump Analysis Across the ‘Union’

There are many interesting things to note concerning the 'Bud Light' map below. Several things caught my eye so I couldn't help but share....

Annie Bukacek: Servant and Protector of ‘We the People’ (Trust is Earned)

Dr. Annie Bukacek is NOT your ordinary and everyday 'doctor.' Doctors take an oath to 'Do no Harm' but Bukacek exhibits that far beyond...