Flathead County: Chief of Police and School Superintendent Both Resign Recently (But Why?)

We can't quite put our finger on it but we do find it odd that Chief of Police Doug Overman and Kalispell Superintendent...

“Beer and Butane” Follow Up on Derailed Freight Train Near Quinn’s Hot Springs

Below you will learn the following about "Beer, Butane" and more. No one was injured during the accident involving the freight train with derailed...

Hwy 135 MT (Sanders County): Multiple Freight Train Derailment into Clark Fork River

"A Montana Rail Link freight train derailed in Sanders County on Sunday morning, sending multiple railcars into the Clark Fork River. Initial reports indicated no...

Demand the Defeat of Senate Bill 72! (Call Your Representative)

CALL TO ACTION! Read the following information and do as instructed below to help DEFEAT Senate Bill 72! Senate Bill 72 will be heard...

House Rep. Lola Sheldon-Galloway Helps 4th Graders Draft “Huckleberry Bill”

The story you are about to read will leave you grinning from 'ear to ear.' These adorable 4th graders are learning about the legislative...

Marion MT: (Op-Ed) “Trump is Certainly No Champion For Individual Liberty”

The following Opinion Editorial was submitted by Hannah Karev of Marion, Montana. "What I find today is that very few people are truly for liberty." ...

Homeless Man Claimed Billings MT Offered to Pay His Way to Sanctuary City (He...

The comments are quite interesting concerning this particular situation. One person remarked, "Montana is smart." Yes, we are or at least Billings, Mt was...

Jury Trial Date Set: November 12th (One Year Anniversary of Persecuted Missionaries’ Assault and...

The zoom meeting where the prosecuting attorneys (for Brad Terrell) met with the defendant attorneys (for persecuted missionaries) settled some things. As there was...

The ‘Left’ Trash Superintendent Arntzen: (It’s Witty But the Premise is Poor) video within

A trio of 'left-leaning liberals' trashed Elsie Arntzen with a sarcastic and satirical video attempting to paint the Superintendent of Public Instruction as a...

BREAKING! Madison County Sheriffs Violate Their Own ‘Policy Manual’ Concerning Persecuted Missionaries

It's hard to deny the truth especially when it is smack dab in your face. Below are portions of the 'Madison County Sheriff's Office...