URGENT CTA! No Right to Abortion in MT Constitution- VOTE YES! SB154

This is URGENT! Please do as the instructions state below asking for a YES VOTE on Senate Bill 154! SB154 -- Define the right to privacy...

Senator Regier Please-Reconsider Senate Bills 100 and 101

The following Opinion Editorial was submitted to Montana 1st News by Julie Martin (RN, BSN, ACN) of Flathead County. Dear Senator Regier, "I have been a...

Dr. Olszewski, Herrin Family Plead “Pass Senate Bill 308!”

Kudos to Senator Ken Bogner from Miles City who sponsored Senate Bill 308, "An act establishing patient visitation rights." Bogner got the ball rolling by...

The Most Frightening, Disturbing, and Shocking Sight EVER in the Flathead

Several days ago we were headed home and saw a sight that took my breath away. As my husband was driving and we had...

URGENT NEED! SB 370 returned to MT Senate HURRY! (instructions within) STOP GOV. SLAVERY!

Please contact Senators NOW! 1.  IF IN DOUBT, VOTE SB 370 OUT!       2. END it DON’T AMEND IT 3. We do NOT need this bill for compliance with UCC…evaluate unrushed, in...