October 3rd: Kalispell City Council to Vote on Main St 8 Story High Rise...

Does Main Street in Kalispell, Montana really need an 8ft obnoxious building erected, out of place and an eye sore? No, no it does...

Faith-Family-Freedom! Montana First Patriots (Ravalli County Fairgrounds)

Come Enjoy Some Great Family Fun! Details below-(Event takes place on Saturday October 14th from 4:00pm-8:00pm).

An Analysis: Is Governor Gianforte Really Pro-Life?

The following article was originally published in 2022. Since then thought provoking information has been added. Is the Governor of Montana really pro-life when...

MT Temps Will Reach 90-100 for 10+ Days (Not from Climate Change and No...

Friends it's coming and it's not gonna be pretty. After Thursday many Montanans will see temperatures in the 90-100 degree range lasting up to 10...

TX and MT: Trans/Protest Similarities Arise at State Capitols (Gallery Cleared and Police Arrests)

It seems to be a nationwide phenomenon meaning LGBTQ/Trans protests at State Capitols. The Texas State Capitol is experiencing similar protests, including interruptions,...

Breaking! Helena “Capitol Message Center Workers” Tell Public HR1 (House Rules) Was Rescinded!

A very concerned Montana citizen contacted Montana 1st News with the following information which they unraveled by calling the "Capital Message Center" as well...

“Testy-Tester”-(Will the Real Jon Tester Please Stand Up?)

The following Opinion-Editorial was submitted to Montana 1st News by a very concerned (and fed up) Flathead County resident. And it goes without saying...

Inmate Escapes Deer Lodge: Be on the Lookout (video within)

An inmate (named Brian John Jones) escaped Deer Lodge when he stole a vehicle while working on the prison ranch. You can listen and...

BREAKING! Madison County Sheriffs Violate Their Own ‘Policy Manual’ Concerning Persecuted Missionaries

It's hard to deny the truth especially when it is smack dab in your face. Below are portions of the 'Madison County Sheriff's Office...

Governor Gianforte Montana Needs Copper! (Call to Action Within)

The need for copper in Montana is at an all-time high. Please contact the governor immediately explaining why we need this mineral and please...