Op-Ed: Military Family of 80 Years -“The Tradition Ends Now”

The following Op-Ed was written by Lt. Col. Darin Gaub and first appeared in "American Thinker" October 7, 2022 The Army of the Woke By Lt. Col. Darin...

BREAKING: Bozeman MT-Bridger Heights Apartments Assault-Citizen Speaks Out

Many residents of Bozeman Mt have had enough. They are tired of the crime and are now revealing truth as they want the public...

Opinion Editorials: Dr. Annie Bukacek PSC5 Candidate-“Watchman on the Wall” (Plus M1N Endorsement)

Dr. Annie Bukacek (running for District 5 Public Service Commissioner) has made quite an outstanding impression on many people. The following Opinion Editorials have...

Opinion Editorial-Bozeman Library ‘Symbozium’ Twists “The American Dream”

The following Opinion Editorial was submitted to Montana1stNews; the author of the piece is Roger Koopman. Friends of freedom, greetings! (Via Koopman) The attached guest...

“Editor’s Choice” Picture of the Week (Show Us ‘Whatcha Got’)

Every week we will be publishing a particular picture (it can be a drawing, painting, photograph, etc..) preferably depicting freedom, honor, or victory. Show us...

Now They are Doing ‘It’ to Cows

It wasn't enough to harm the citizens of the world. Now the sinister "mRNA" so-called "vaccines" have infected the world of cows. One cow...

National “Taco Day” Strategically Lands on a “Tuesday”

There can't be a mistake. How on earth does "National Taco Day" just happen to land on a Tuesday? Everyone in the nation knows...

“Coal Miners Daughter” Country Giant Loretta Lynn Passes at 90

Loretta Lynn was one tough cookie who didn't hold back. She wrote on issues other female country singers wouldn't touch. Read the following below....

Abortions on the Go! Illinois PP “Goes Mobile” Travels to Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee to...

Just when we thought things couldn't get any crazier they just did. Abortion will be in full swing as PP takes to the road...

BREAKING: MT Supreme Court Justice Candidate Ingrid Gustafson-Billboard Posted Among “Gospel Messages”

Upon driving to Glacier National Park, something odd was spotted on the way to our destination. Astounded and perplexed, we found the following...