Opinion Editorials: Dr. Annie Bukacek PSC5 Candidate-“Watchman on the Wall” (Plus M1N Endorsement)

Dr. Annie Bukacek (running for District 5 Public Service Commissioner) has made quite an outstanding impression on many people. The following Opinion Editorials have...

“Editor’s Choice” Picture of the Week (Show Us ‘Whatcha Got’)

Every week we will be publishing a particular picture (it can be a drawing, painting, photograph, etc..) preferably depicting freedom, honor, or victory. Show us...

BREAKING: MT Supreme Court Justice Candidate Ingrid Gustafson-Billboard Posted Among “Gospel Messages”

Upon driving to Glacier National Park, something odd was spotted on the way to our destination. Astounded and perplexed, we found the following...

Gallatin, Flathead, Lake County Declare: “They are Trying to Poison Us From the Sky!”

Four days ago, the Montana skies statewide were a perfectly vivid blue and were clear as the eye could see. But not for long. What...

MT Democratic Party Pulls the “Privacy Card” (When it Suits Their Agenda)

MT "Dems" pull the "privacy card" when it suits their agenda. When "Covid" was full throttle in the state of MT these same Democrats...

CALL TO ACTION! Bozeman MT TV Station KBZK Wrongfully Omits John Lamb (MT Congressional...

There will be a televised debate between the MT Congressional District 1 candidates at KBZK on Saturday, October 1st, (located in Bozeman MT) at...

WELCOME to Montana1stNews!

Welcome to Montana1stNews! My staff and I are beyond thrilled to introduce you to our top-level online news source! Montana1stNews has been in the works for...