ATTENTION! Attorney General Austin Knudsen: Upcoming Diesel Shortage “Frankly it’s Terrifying”

Attorney General Austin Knudsen states that the upcoming diesel shortage is "Terrifying." Montana could be hit very hard folks. Be sure you're stocked...

Temperatures Will Drop on Voter Tuesday-(Vote in Person at the Polls Anyway)

Montana has undoubtedly experienced its share of craziness the past few days with snow, high winds, and power outages. And next week, a cold...

Whistleblower! Cascade County Employee Reveals “Questionable Practices” Under Rina Fontana-Moore’s Direction

A letter written in March of 2022 (by a Cascade County employee and intended to be read by a particular "organization") was recently submitted...

Opinion-Editorials: Sandra Merchant- “Respectful, Professional, Qualified, Transparent”

The following Opinion-Editorials were submitted by various citizens of Cascade County. When you read each of these letters you will see a thread running...

Planned Parenthood ‘Calling’: “Ingrid Gustafson Supports Medical Freedom for Abortions for all Montanans”

Planned Parenthood of Montana has been insanely busy lately as they "ring the hooks off the phones" of Montanans. One man, in particular, relayed...

Great Falls-Concerned Citizen Reveals Factual Insights RE: Rina Fontana Moore/Don Ryan “Tribune Article”

The following Opinion-Editorial was submitted to Montana1stNews by a highly concerned Great Falls citizen who shared valid concerns in regard to a recent Great...

Sidney MT: ALERT! Missing 4-Year-Old Child!

A young boy, 4-year-old Taylem Berry has been taken out of state by his father. Both the boy, his father, and his mother reside...

WHISTLEBOWER: Voters!-Here’s the List of Candidates-(See Who Didn’t Want to Return YOUR Tax Money)

If you remember correctly there was a HUGE amount of money (1.4 billion) that the citizens of Montana (unknowingly) overpaid on their taxes and...

HD22 Lola Sheldon-Galloway: “Cascade County Needs an Audit on its Bookkeeping” (Vote Sandra Merchant)

The following Opinion-Editorial was submitted to Montana1stNews by House Representative Lola Sheldon- Galloway HD22. "It's about time Cascade County has an audit on its bookkeeping." Galloway...

Voter Advice (The Power is in the Parking Lot!)

What you are about to read is ingenious. Disclaimer (We are not savvy to the actual laws concerning cell phone usage in the actual polling...