DOCUMENTS: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILTY (BBB Ratings)-Flathead Warming Center 69%-A Ray of Hope 100%
Friends, facts are facts.
When you do a Google/Chrome search and type in BetterBusinessBureau (via "Charity Navigator") concerning two distinctly different charities ...
Kalispell MT: “Forever Chemicals” (Contaminated Water) An Analysis of Insight and Possible Solutions
What you are about to read is nothing short of fascinating. This piece covers carbon filters, plastic, PFAs, Reverse Osmosis systems, and much much...
JUSTICE IN THE FLATHEAD: “Revoke Flathead Warming Center’s Conditional Use Permit” (Upcoming Meeting Information)
Things are getting serious folks and it's about time. It's time that community members take serious action concerning the Flathead Warming Center and do...
Kalispell MT: Fentanyl Overdose at Flathead Warming Center/Multiple Under Influence
Fentanyl is now an everyday word in Flathead County and unfortunately, on April 17th a young woman nearly died at the Flathead Warming Center...
Kalispell Resident Interviews Homeless Woman “They Need to Make a Homeless Shelter That’s Open...
What you are about to watch contains graphic language and is very telling. Here we get a glimpse into the life of a homeless...
Columbia Falls Woman Reaches Out Seeking Lost Mail Packages
A local woman reached out on social media hoping to retrieve not one but two lost packages in the mail. They were delivered somewhere...
Publishers Update: Kalispell MT Massive Influx of Homeless Latinos Arrive-(Then Line Up At Flathead...
A Flathead County resident who works near the Flathead Warming Center shared the following with Montana 1st News today,
"So on Monday, not only did...
Kalispell City Council Member Fisher Disgusted by Homeless Mess- MT Gov. Candidate Tanner Smith...
Let's face it everyone is fed up to the gills. The homeless litter is absolutely disgusting as well as them defecating wherever and whenever...
Shaun Pandina (Running for HD7) Exposes Democrat-Leaning Courtenay Sprunger (video within)
Shaun Pandina (the true conservative) who is running for HD7 exposes the truth concerning HD7 candidate (Democrat-leaning) Courtenay Sprunger. Sprunger is running under the...
FRIDAY: Flathead Candidate Forum! (Red Lion Hotel) details within
Below is all the information you need concerning the Flathead Candidate Forum (which will take place tomorrow, Friday, at the Red Lion Hotel in...