CALL to ACTION! “Right to Privacy” Does NOT Include Abortion!

Hurry and DO NOT DELAY! We must overcome this horrific falsifying of the "Right to Privacy" which the left are trying to manipulate via...

“Never Open the Door to a Lesser Evil”

The following article was written by Montana's own Darin Gaub. Lt. Col. (ret) Darin Gaub is a Geopolitical Strategist, U.S. Army Veteran, Blackhawk Helicopter pilot and Battalion Commander, and...

TX and MT: Trans/Protest Similarities Arise at State Capitols (Gallery Cleared and Police Arrests)

It seems to be a nationwide phenomenon meaning LGBTQ/Trans protests at State Capitols. The Texas State Capitol is experiencing similar protests, including interruptions,...

Voter Advice (The Power is in the Parking Lot!)

What you are about to read is ingenious. Disclaimer (We are not savvy to the actual laws concerning cell phone usage in the actual polling...

URGENT NEED! SB 370 returned to MT Senate HURRY! (instructions within) STOP GOV. SLAVERY!

Please contact Senators NOW! 1.  IF IN DOUBT, VOTE SB 370 OUT!       2. END it DON’T AMEND IT 3. We do NOT need this bill for compliance with UCC…evaluate unrushed, in...

Why Does Governor Gianforte Trust Courtenay Sprunger to Introduce His Bill(s)? (Examine the Facts)

Why did Governor Gianforte ask (of all the House Reps) Courtenay Sprunger to introduce his "Adoption Tax Credit Bill?" In other words, what are...

Whistleblower! Cascade County Employee Reveals “Questionable Practices” Under Rina Fontana-Moore’s Direction

A letter written in March of 2022 (by a Cascade County employee and intended to be read by a particular "organization") was recently submitted...

Professor David Clements (Political Activist) Rigged/Stolen Elections and How to Solve the Problem

What took place in Kalispell on Monday night at the Red Lion Hotel was nothing short of brilliant concerning 'stolen elections'. The crowd was...

Call to Action! Contact Full Senate For a YES VOTE on SB 154! (save...

Prolife bill SB 154 passed the Senate Judiciary Committee along party lines as you can see on this link. SB0154JUS230118.pdf ( Next it goes to the full Senate for...

Topic- Montana’s Deceptive Election Process: Venezuelan Speaker Warns Montanans! “America It’s Happening Here!” (meeting...

Montana is unbelievably fortunate to have a native citizen of Venezuela speaking in our state at numerous events (See flier below) "Vesna" puts all of...