Senate Bill 370 is (most likely) DEAD! Free From Government Economic Slavery!

The 3rd reading killed Senate Bill 370! The Senate rejected it 44-6 and it's highly unlikely to return! Great job citizens! This was a...

Current Montana State Law Allows Pornography for Students (Minors): Via Schools/Libraries/Museums

If you read the black highlighted text below you can see clearly where students (minors) are allowed to view perverse content of sexually explicit...

Sidney MT: Sugar Beet Factory to Close after 100 Years

MISSOULA, Mont. — An eastern Montana sugar beet refinery is shutting down production after nearly a century in business. The Billings Gazette reported the factory in...

Governor Gianforte Montana Needs Copper! (Call to Action Within)

The need for copper in Montana is at an all-time high. Please contact the governor immediately explaining why we need this mineral and please...

Saturday Night: South Kalispell Tip Jar Stolen-Dominos Pizza

Ok I know what you're probably thinking why write on something that seems seemingly small and petty? But to the workers at Dominos...

URGENT NEED! SB 370 returned to MT Senate HURRY! (instructions within) STOP GOV. SLAVERY!

Please contact Senators NOW! 1.  IF IN DOUBT, VOTE SB 370 OUT!       2. END it DON’T AMEND IT 3. We do NOT need this bill for compliance with UCC…evaluate unrushed, in...

The End is Near: Panera To Use “Palm Reading” for Payments

It's all starting but you can resist and just say NO (or better yet if this nonsense shows up at a Panera anywhere near...

Smiths Grocery Store Kalispell: Haunting (and Not Getting Better)

The 'good ole days' are long gone folks. Recently (December 4th) at Smith's grocery store in Kalispell, Montana the following pictures were taken. A...

‘Investor Business Daily’ Claims Glacier Bancorp “Loaded Up” from Fed Reserve BTFP

Montana 1st News pulled our original article yesterday on this subject (May 7) to make further clarifications. Is Glacier Bancorp truly insolvent? The answer...

SENATE BILL 370 SO EVIL! IT MUST BE STOPPED! House Rep Lee Deming Provides...

Senate Bill 370 is coming before the House Committee tomorrow…IT MUST BE STOPPED!  Also read the opposing SB 370 letter send to the committee at...