Rosendale Fully Endorsed by Matt Gaetz “Don’t be Sold Out by Sheehy or Tester”

In the last 24 hours, Matt Gaetz has "offered his full endorsement" to Matt Rosendale for U.S. Senate. Friends, it would be foolhardy to...

Voter Advice (The Power is in the Parking Lot!)

What you are about to read is ingenious. Disclaimer (We are not savvy to the actual laws concerning cell phone usage in the actual polling...

Elsie Arntzen Get’s Creative in Her ‘Rino Bashing’

Well, Arntzen came out fighting. Most candidates tend to oppose their running mates (albeit not in such an aggressive, and creative fashion). Arntzen lit...

FRIDAY: Flathead Candidate Forum! (Red Lion Hotel) details within

Below is all the information you need concerning the Flathead Candidate Forum (which will take place tomorrow, Friday, at the Red Lion Hotel in...

Announcement! Rosendale Signs Up to Run for U.S. House of Representatives (MT 2nd Congressional...

It's been a tumultuous last couple of days but with the outpouring of support, Matt Rosendale has decided to run for U.S. House Rep....

Maricopa County AZ: Citizens are Furious- Problems With the Tabulators Seriously?

Well, it didn't take long for chaos to ensue. Yes, it's for real there were problems with the voting machines right away today on...

“Never Open the Door to a Lesser Evil”

The following article was written by Montana's own Darin Gaub. Lt. Col. (ret) Darin Gaub is a Geopolitical Strategist, U.S. Army Veteran, Blackhawk Helicopter pilot and Battalion Commander, and...